What is Wrong with Me?
Are you asking, “what is wrong with me”? Angels have a very special message for you!
Isn’t That Interesting?!
Follow my reiki journey over the last 3 years and how this simple phrase has changed my life for the better.
You Have Everything You Need
Amazingly, when life throws us curveballs, it can be to help us change direction. When it happened to me, the message I received was, “You have everything you need”. The angels are repeating this message…
Your Guardian Angel
Your Guardian Angel is the MOST IMPORTANT angel in your life. Do you have a relationship with them?
Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Jophiel is the angel of beauty and wisdom. Today she shares how wisdom contributes to beauty on earth.
Clearing Unwanted Energy
Are you feeling sluggish or irritable? You may have unwanted and unneeded energy sticking to your auric field. Read for a handy way to get rid of this sticky stuff…
Be the Change You Want to See in the World
Angels want us to step out of fear and into a place of love. They are here to help!
Outcome, Not Obstacles
Are you focusing on where you want to be, or what might go wrong? What if it goes right?
Angels have divine guidance on how to be resilient in the face of upheaval and angst.
Be the Helper
We learned from Mr. Rogers to look for the helpers. Angels are calling on us now to Be the helpers!
Archangels Azrael and Jeremiel
Archangels Azrael and Jeremiel are angels that help with transitions and major changes. Call on them to navigate changes that feel out of your control and changes you, yourself, are instigating.
What Were Your Moments Today?
What were your moments today? Did they bring you a feeling of connection and oneness?
Flipping the Switch
Sometimes Angel Messages include stopping mid-thought to listen to the words of a song…
A Reiki Story: How a Stranger’s Suggestion Changed My Life and My Health*
This is the story of how a stranger had a profound impact on my life with one simple suggestion…