Upcoming Events

  • Reiki I Certification Class: 3/28/25

    Friday, March 28th, 10a.m.-4p.m. 3 Spots Still Available!

    Reiki I Certification and Attunement! Learn the history of Reiki rediscovered and developed by Master Mikao Usui and all the necessary information to become a Reiki Practitioner who knows how and why we do all the steps from start to finish. We will discuss grounding/protecting/holding-space subtle body anatomy energy levels for the physical mental emotional and spiritual planes intuition how to do reiki self-healings and how to do healings on others. There will be time to practice so you leave feeling confident in your own abilities.

    Space is limited to 4 students maximum.

    Down payment of $50 to hold your spot $125 day of class. Please Register at least 3 days before. Thank you.

    Text Margaret: 651-442-3732 to register

    or copy/paste link to https://allevents.in/white%20bear%20lake/reiki-i-certification-class-and-attunement/80003058041094?ref=smdl

    Class Fee: $175


    1038 Centerville Circle, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127

  • Reiki III Certification Class: 4/6/25

    Saturday, March 29, 2025, 10a.m.-4p.m.

    Sunday, April 6, 2025, 10a.m.-4p.m.

    Reiki III/Master and Teacher Certification and Attunement! This is a Master Class which includes review of Levels 1 and 2, with specific attention paid to any questions, concerns, or clarification you may need. There are two additional Reiki Symbols introduced, and you will receive a 3rd Reiki Attunement and a Certificate. This class includes practice for you in teaching and doing Reiki 1 and 2 Attunements when you teach the classes, with me to guide and encourage you as you become a Master and a Teacher in your own right.


    $100 deposit due at least 3 days before class

    By Individual Appointment only, please contact me for details.


    1038 Centerville Circle, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127

  • Reiki II Certification Class: 4/29/25

    Reiki II Certification Class

    Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 10a.m.-4p.m.

    This Class starts with a review of Reiki I and Introduces the three main Reiki Symbols which are used for Distance Reiki Sessions. We also go over business ethics and basics to starting a reiki business. There is time for practice.

    If you did not take my Reiki I class, a book and supplies above will be provided for you. If you did take my Reiki I Course, please bring your book and handouts to class with you. You will receive a 2nd Reiki Attunement and a Certificate, as well as a gift from me.

    Space is limited to 4 students maximum.

    Down payment of $50 to hold your spot $125 day of class. Please Register at least 3 days before. Thank you.

    Text Margaret: 651-442-3732 to register, or register through AllEvents (extra fee) Copy/Paste to Browser https://allevents.in/white%20bear%20lake/reiki-ii-certification-class-and-attunement/80002583663770?ref=smdl

    Class Fee: $175


    1038 Centerville Circle, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127

New Service Available: Vibrational Sound Therapy


New Service Available: Vibrational Sound Therapy 〰️

Services Offered

  • Angel Reiki Therapy

  • Chakra/Energy Balancing

  • Vibrational Sound Therapy

  • Distal Reiki (Zoom available)

  • Oracle Card Parties

  • Angel Oracle Card Readings

  • Medical Intuitive Services

  • Meditation and Prayer Services

  • Ministry Services

  • Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level I Class (Individual and Group Classes Available)

  • Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level II (Individual and Group Classes Available)

  • Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Level III Master/Teacher Classes

  • Reiki Basics for Kids Class

  • Communicating with Angels Class

  • Healing and Intuitive Packages

  • Reiki Healing and Intuitive Parties

  • Reiki Shares

  • Angelic Space or Property Clearing and Blessing

  • Most Services and Reiki Classes offered in-person or over Zoom

Services and Pricing

  • Angel Reiki Session

    Reiki Sessions begin with a brief consultation for me to get to know what you would like to work on, whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, a combination, or merely a session for your greatest and highest good. Most reiki sessions are done fully-clothed on a massage table, however, if you prefer to be seated in a chair, that is possible too. Most reiki is channeled above the body, but I may ask your permission to gently touch your head, shoulders, or feet. We begin with a prayer to call in Healing Angels. Next, a meditation to ground, connect and protect your energy, followed by an energetic body scan. Once I have determined which areas need extra attention, I will begin clearing auric blocks and channeling reiki energy. When all the chakras are balanced, I will clear your aura with a drum wash and allow you to acclimate to the change in energy and offer you water before you leave. Reiki Sessions typically last about an hour or so from start to finish.


  • What is Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST)? 

    Vibrational Sound Therapy is an energy modality that uses sound and vibration frequencies to balance our biofield (or auric field) and bring us back into a state of homeostasis. For many thousands of years, people have used sounds and musical instruments for healing; from the didgeridoo, to voice intonations, to drumming and music. More recently, there have been studies helping to pinpoint specific frequencies to bring balance to specific organs of the body.

    How does it work?

    Vibrational Sound Therapy and Sound Healing are different. Sound Healing typically works with musical notes and music itself. Sound Baths are a type of Sound Healing and are fantastic for the 3 Rs: Relaxation, Releasing the heavy energies of stress, worry, anxiety, depression, etc., and Recharging your energy, in general. Vibrational Sound Therapy does the 3 Rs AND pinpoints specific areas in the body and energy field using hertz frequencies for optimum healing. VST is more focused. 

    Your body is over 70% water, which acts like a conductor, carrying the vibrational frequency from cell to cell. It’s the cells, themselves, that will absorb the frequency and allow it to be used to bring them back to optimum health. Different cells vibrate at different frequencies. If the cell doesn’t match the frequency of the instrument being used, the vibration is simply moved on to the next cell until the vibration wears off and stops, which generally only takes a few seconds. Some feel a mild vibration, while others don’t feel anything at all. 

    What are Benefits of Vibrational Sound Therapy?

    • Lowers Stress and Anxiety

    • Decreases Pain by Stimulating the Release of Endorphins (happy hormones)

    • Improved Mood

    • Better Sleep

    • Lowers Blood Pressure

    • Faster Wound Healing

    • Boosts Metabolism

    • Aids in Digestion

    • And so much more!!!

    Results may not be immediate and vary by individual

    What to Expect in a Typical VST Session

    The typical session takes about an hour and can be done with little or no touching.

    You will lay fully clothed on the table, perhaps ticking off your shoes for comfort. If you feel cold, I have a blanket for you. 

    Relaxing music will play in the background and low light will aid in your relaxation as I take you through a meditation.

    I will sense your energy, doing a body scan to see if there are any physical energies that seem out of place or abnormal. I will also check to see if there is anything in the energy field around you that is causing blockages to your energy flow. 

    I then begin by letting you hear the tuning for and then placing that tuning fork in the energy field around your body for absorption. Occasionally, I may use a singing bowl and/or reiki as well. When a block or abnormal energy has changed, I move on to the next area. At the end, I do a Biofield Sweep to remove stuck energies from the energy field around your body. If you prefer, I can do a Drum Wash.

    After the session, you should feel relaxed and at peace.

  • Do you have a burning question or are you looking for some insight into your life? An oracle card reading can bring answers to the surface that may surprise you. Oracle Cards are a divination tool for channeling messages from your Spirit Guides and Angels to let you know they are with you and supporting you on your Earthly Journey. The cards you choose are meant just for you to encourage, validate, or perhaps steer you back on course. A typical Oracle Reading lasts about a half hour.


    *Oracle Card Readings combined with a Reiki Session will receive a 20% discount at time of payment

    **Gift Certificates Available and Redeemable Anytime

  • Classes Offered

    Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Class - Level I

    Learn the history of Reiki, rediscovered and developed by Master Mikao Usui, and all the necessary information to become a Reiki Practitioner who knows how and why we do all the steps from start to finish. We will discuss grounding/protecting/holding-space, subtle body anatomy, energy levels for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes, intuition, how to do reiki self-healings, and how to do energy healings on others. There will be time to practice, so you leave feeling confident in your own abilities.

    Space is limited to 4 students maximum.

    Down payment of $50 to hold your spot, $125 day of class. Please Register at least 3 days before. Thank you. ***


    Please Contact me for sign-up details!

    This class includes a book, notebook, pen, handouts, an attunement, a certificate, and a gift from me to you.


    Margaret 651-442-3732

    Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Class - Level II

    This Class starts with a review of Reiki I and Introduces the three main Reiki Symbols which are used for Distance Reiki Sessions. We also go over business ethics and basics to starting a reiki business. There is time for practice.

    If you did not take my Reiki I class, a book and supplies above will be provided for you. If you did take my Reiki I Course, please bring your book and handouts to class with you. You will receive a 2nd Reiki Attunement and a Certificate.


    Please Register and provide $50 down payment to hold your spot at least 3 days prior to class. This is to secure supplies and additional handouts and is not refundable. Balance due morning of class.

    Space Limited to 4 Students maximum.

    Contact me for dates/times: 651-442-3732



    Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Class - Level III/Master Teacher

    This is a Master Class which includes review of Levels 1 and 2, with specific attention paid to any questions, concerns, or clarification you may need. There are two additional Reiki Symbols introduced, and you will receive a 3rd Reiki Attunement and a Certificate. This class includes practice for you in teaching and doing Reiki 1 and 2 Attunements when you teach the classes, with me to guide and encourage you as you become a Master and a Teacher in your own right.


    $100 deposit due at least 3 days before class

    By Individual Appointment only, please contact me for details.

    Reiki Basics for Kids Class

    Much like the Reiki I Class, but simplified and shortened for kids to understand. Includes handouts, a Reiki Attunement, and a gift for each child. Attuned parents encouraged to join and support, or take the class become Reiki Attuned with your child (Adult Rates apply - book and packet will be provided to adults).

    Please Register at least 3 days prior to class with a non-refundable down payment of $22/child to cover costs for supplies and certificates.


    Communicating with Angels

    This class answers questions like: What are angels? Who are my angels? How can I connect with angels? And, which angels are there for my specific needs? We also tap into our intuition with meditation and guidance to connect to your Guardian Angel(s) and an Archangel. There is content on the history and hierarchy of angels, angels vs. spirit guides, angel numbers and signs, and the best ways to communicate with angels. Then, you will learn to connect with angel messages using Angel Oracle Cards, practicing with others and becoming a Certified Angel Oracle Card Reader. This class includes handouts, a notebook, and a free deck of angel oracle cards ($25 value)

    Mini-Classes and Workshops will be listed in my newsletters and at the top of this page.

    ** Deposits will be non-refundable less than 72 hours before class due to the expense of preparing to make each class individualized and special. Thank you for understanding.

Now Available! Angelic Space/Home/Property Clearing and Blessing Service

Now Available! Angelic Space/Home/Property Clearing and Blessing Service

Remove and transmute unwanted energies and bless and protect your space $111 (plus travel fee)

Let’s work together